How do I join Club Field Hockey at UT?

Step 1: Join Club Field Hockey on Engage as a Member.

Step 2: Join Club Sports on Engage. This request will take a few days to accept. After being accepted, you must fill out the Liability and Risk Assumption Form. Members will be penalized for not filling out this form. 

Step 3: Send an email or text to the current President and/or Vice President. 

Step 4: Come to the next practice with shinguards, mouthguard, mouthguard cover, and a positive attitude! Red and black socks are required scrimmage/game days. 

President for Fall 2022: Sydney Smith ||

Vice President for Fall 2022: Michaela Greczek ||

Previous President (Spring 2020 - Spring 2022): Maggie Parchman ||

Previous Vice President (Spring 2020 - Spring 2022): Emily Mudge ||

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